When you perform a search on a search engine and press the enter button, a list of results including your search query is presented to you. Typically, users visit websites that are located at the top of the results list.


If you want to know why some sites are at the top of the list and some are lower in search results, you should know that this is because some sites have worked more on optimizing their site from an SEO perspective.

What Is SEO?


Correct! SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which essentially means optimizing a website for search engines. SEO is a technique that helps search engines find and rank your site higher than millions of other sites in response to a search query. Therefore, SEO helps you get traffic from search engines.

How Do Search Engines Work:

One important fact to know is that search engines are not human. While this may be obvious to everyone, there is a difference between how humans and search engines view web pages. Unlike humans, search engines are text readers.

Despite the rapid advancement of technology, search engines are far from intelligent beings that can appreciate the beauty of a design or enjoy the sounds and movements in a video. Instead, they crawl through the web looking for specific site elements (mostly text) to get an idea of what a site is about. Search engines perform several activities in order to deliver search results – crawling, indexing, processing, calculating relevancy, etc.


Step 1: Search engines crawl websites to see what is there. This is done by a software called a crawler or spider (for Google it’s called “Googlebot”). Spiders follow links from one page to another and find everything along the way.

Given the number of web pages (over 20 billion), it is impossible for spiders to visit a site daily to see if new pages have appeared or pages have changed.

Step 2: After crawling, comes indexing. These indexes are stored in a large database. The indexing process involves identifying words and phrases that best describe the page and assigning the page to specific keywords.

Each search algorithm has different relative weights for common factors like keyword density, links, or meta tags. That’s why different search engines present different search results pages for similar search queries. Some of the biggest search engines include Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Step 3: The final step in search engine activity is retrieving results.

The Diffrence Between The Huge/Big Search Engines:

Although the main rule of all search engines is the same, they have small differences that create significant changes among them, such as between Google and Bing.

Different search engines have different important factors. There have been times when SEO experts concluded that Bing’s algorithms are intentionally made to be opposite to Google’s. While this may be a grain of truth, the reality is that large search engines are like different subjects, and if you intend to conquer more than one of them, you need to optimize fully.

There are many examples of differences between search engines. For example, for Yahoo and Bing, keyword factors are of fundamental importance on the page, while for Google, links are very important.


Keywords are the most important SEO element for all search engines, as they are what search strings are matched against. Therefore, selecting appropriate keywords for optimization is the first and most important step towards SEO success.

If you fail in this first step, the road ahead is very short, and you’re likely to waste your time and money. There are many ways to determine what keywords are available for optimization, and the final list of keywords is usually selected after a careful analysis of what people are searching online, what keywords your competitors have chosen, and above all – which keywords best describe your own website.

In summary, choosing the right keywords is crucial for SEO success, and it requires a thorough analysis of several factors to identify the most effective ones.



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